




vrijdag 18 opbouw kamp 19u open table 20-22u free paint for everyone
zaterdag 19 stretchingsession with Milda / 10-11u Qi Gong (chinese stretching) 11u washing and dying wool 19u open table
zondag 20 stretchingsession with Milda / 10-11u Qi Gong (chinese stretching) 19u open table
maandag 21 stretchingsession with Milda 19u open table 24u - 3u looking at the stars
dinsdag 22 stretchingsession with Milda 19u open table
woensdag 23 stretchingsession with Milda 11-18h Rooftop apples 19u open table
donderdag 24 stretchingsession with Milda 14 - 22h collective rug felting work-out party with 8 hours of live music ( looking for musicians ) 19u open table
vrijdag 25 stretchingsession with Milda 19u open table Mol Rauw's Beat Bonanza
zaterdag 26 stretchingsession with Milda 19u open table movie screening 22.30u
zondag 27 stretchingsession with Milda 19u open table (einddiner)

Alle activiteiten gaan door verspreid over Mol-Rauw, maar we vertrekken telkens van het kerkplein.